Did you know that a Business Class flight to Singapore could save your marriage, while neglecting your earned vacation days may affect your personal life in a negative way? According to U.S. Travel Association, the average employee takes a week’s worth less vacation, compared to fifteen years ago. This downturn means working longer hours, sitting in more traffic and enduring more stress from your boss, all of which takes a toll on your personal relationships. Of those who surveyed, a third reported working so much for the sake of their family. In addition, seven out of ten people confessed to missing out on the fun when it comes to family events, birthdays and vacations. The problem hides in our perception of value: people don’t look at time as being a valuable resource, they rather see money as being one, causing a tug of war. Out of the surveyed people 73% said that the key to happiness is spending time with their family. Yet half of the surveyed admitted to spending less than 20 hours a week with their family and also bringing stress home from work.
With many couples grinding their relationships to sand, due to stress carried over from work, experts say vacation time is essential. Often times we get so caught up in the daily routine and the things that must get done, that we loosen the grip on what matters most. Over time, this leads to troubles in paradise and marital connections being lost. The key is to take some time off with your significant other and to catch up on things that spark your relationship fire. Furthermore, experts recommend sitting down together and planning out your Business Class flight ideas for the entire year, while keeping your phones and work on silent.
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